The Resilient Communities Initiative (RCI) is a coalition of social equity organizations
bringing community leadership to climate adaptation and resilience planning since 2013.
RCI member organizations are:
• Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN): Leader in organizing the Asian
immigrant community on environmental issues, and in shaping state equity policy.
• Roots of Resilience: Thought leader in community resilience planning
since 2006, produce Community Resilience Toolkits used in 46 states and 30 countries.
• Breakthrough Communities: Thought leader in equity and community leadership in
regional urban planning and strategic communications.
• Communities for a Better Environment (CBE): Leader in organizing environmental
justice communities in the Bay Area and Los Angeles, and shaping state equity policy.
• Environmental Justice Coalition for Water (EJCW): Leader in advocating for equity
in regional and state water policy. Brings deep knowledge of state water infrastructure.
• Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice: Leader in organizing
environmental justice communities in San Francisco and statewide.
• North Bay Organizing Project: Sonoma County-based group uniting faith and labor
constituencies to work for justice in housing, transportation, and other critical issues.
• Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project: Thought and movement
leaders for a just transition, especially through trainings, workshops, and collaborations.
• West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP): Leader in bringing deep
experience in community partnership to planning and policy processes.
• Youth United for Community Action (YUCA): Leader in organizing youth in East
Palo Alto on environmental and social justice issues.